ELMI was created in 2001 to establish a unique communication network between European scientists working in the field of light microscopy and the manufacturers of their equipment.
Quantitative Imaging: From Acquisition to Analysis April 4 – 17, 2018, Cold Spring HarborLaboratory Application Deadline: January 31, 2018 Instructors: Jennifer Waters, Harvard Medical School Hunter Elliott, Harvard Medical School Suliana Manley, EPFL, Switzerland Talley Lambert, Harvard…
EMBL Course Brillouin Microscopy: Emerging Tool for Probing Mechanical Properties of Living Cells Course Overview Brillouin microscopy is an emerging optical imaging and spectroscopy technique which allows to probe mechanical properties of living cells using light. Mechanical forces have recently…
Aim: The school aims at providing bioimage analysts with practical access to the latest bioimage analysis workflows and their components. Many software/library packages are updated and new ones are appearing on a daily basis, but analysts tend to be constrained to what one knows already and omit…
Aim & Topics: If your research requires use of image processing and analysis, or if you are responsible for support and training of researchers and need a better understanding of techniques, then this school is for you! Consequently, for this edition, we expect some previous experience on basic…
4th International Course Establishing & Providing Light Microscopy Core Facility Services 11 –12 October 2017 CEITEC-Central European Institute of Technology Brno, Czech Republic Scientific Organisers: Yan Gu and Daniel Zicha This course is designed to help people who intend to improve some…
Generation & Interpretation of HREM data deduced from normal & mutant E14.5 mouse embryos from the DMDD program High resolution episcopic microscopy (HREM) is the key screening technique for large scale phenotyping of genetically modified E14.5 mouse embryos produced in the DMDD program. In…
Dear colleagues, We would like to invite you to our 2017 Centre for Cell Imaging workshop, at the University of Liverpool, 11th – 13th September 2017. Our aim is to provide existing and potential users of the facility with a better idea of the services we offer, tips and tricks about the…
Electron microscopy PhD course The course will run from the 15th to the 20th of October 2017, at the Core Facility for Integrated Microscopy, University of Copenhagen. All details are available here: http://cfim.ku.dk/events/em-2017/ The course provides an essential grounding in the basic…
EMBO Practical Course Non-Neuronal Optogenetics: Design to Application, Cell Signalling to Tissue Morphogenesis 3 – 8 Sep 2017, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany #EMBOoptogenetics This course will be focused specifically on the new and emerging field of non-neuronal optogenetics. The possibility to…
Dear Collegue, It is our pleasure to announce the 3rd edition of the Hands-on Workshop on High-Throughput Microscopy, organized by the BioISI Research Centre at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. When: 17 – 21 July 2017 Where: FCUL, Lisboa (Portugal) Registration deadline: 6…
MIAP Workshop Open Application Development (OAD) and Automated Microscopy Smart Image Acquisition Strategies and Automation An advanced workshop for microscopists and programmers on Open Application Development (OAD) using the ZEISS ZEN Blue software environment 20th June – 22th June 2017 Center…