About the ELMI

ELMI was created in 2001 to establish a unique communication network between European scientists working in the field of light microscopy and the manufacturers of their equipment.

ELMI CF Session, June 2019, Brno, Czech Republic

Feedback surveys:

ELMI 2019 Meeting feedback survey
ELMI CF Session 2019 survey

Talks of the session:

Large Core Facility survey

Please answer our survey about several CF related topics:   elmisurvey.miap.eu (more information about the survey)
The results are available on: miap.eu/elmi-cf-survey

Feedback results from last CF session 2018 in Dublin.

Schedule online: https://www.elmi2019.eu/core-facility-sessions/

Continuing in the successful format of previous years, the ELMI 2019  Core Facility Satellite Meeting will feature a number of interactive sessions targeted at core facility managers and staff. All other interested ELMI participants, including company representatives are very welcome.

The goal of the satellite meeting is to exchange views, share experience, identify problems and solutions, best practices and standards related to core facility work.

Of course, social interaction is again high on the agenda, including the already traditional football match Facilities versus Companies.

If you have suggestions for topics please send them to the CF session 2019 organizing committee (via elmi@embl.de):