ELMI was created in 2001 to establish a unique communication network between European scientists working in the field of light microscopy and the manufacturers of their equipment.
Working environment
The engineer will work on the imaging facility for life sciences of the university of Rennes (Microscopy – Rennes Imaging Center-MRic) (microscopie.univ-rennes1.fr). The facility is divided into two technical platforms, one dedicated to photonic microscopy (MRic-Photonics) and one to electron microscopy (MRic-TEM). The facility aims at providing access to cutting-edge imaging systems to the life-science research community in Rennes. The photonic imaging platform currently hosts 15 different setups from fluorescence widefield systems to last generation confocal microscopes. The facility has a recognized expertise in F-techniques : FRAP, F(C)CS, FRET by FLIM… The members of the facility provide scientific and technical support to the users of the imaging systems. They are also involved in technical and methodological developments in association with local research teams. Finally, the facility organizes regular courses on imaging techniques. The engineer will work under the supervision of the facility manager Dr. Stéphanie Dutertre, who is in charge of the photonic imaging platform.
Job description
The recruited engineer will be involved in the day-to-day maintenance of the imaging setups (metrology…) as well as in the training of the users on the different microscopes. In addition, the engineer will participate to the transfer of a single-molecule imaging prototype on the imaging facility. This system was originally developed in collaboration between the imaging facility and research teams from the Institute of Genetics and Development of Rennes (IGDR, igdr.univ-rennes1.fr/en). The transfer of the system to the facility will occur in two steps. First, the engineer will perform pilot experiments with a few users with different biological questions in order to identify the components of the setup that need to be optimized for a facilitated use of the setup in the context of an imaging facility (driving software, sample handling….). Once this step completed, the system will be opened to
all users after the establishment of metrology protocols and training procedures. This project will be performed in collaboration with the researchers that developed the single-molecule imaging prototype at the IGDR, Dr. Marc Tramier and Dr. Sébastien Huet.
Application deadline is 15 May 2017.
For additional information please check the job offer.